Heavenly Herbs and Acupuncture handout:
Dear Sheryl,
Thank you SO MUCH for aiding in my extraordinarily speedy recovery from my total knee replacement surgery, which I had on June 25, 2012. I owe much of it to your skillful acupuncture techniques, very specific herbs, and your expert advice on nutrition and other helpful suggestions, before and after my surgery.
I have well surpassed the expectations of my surgeon, Charles E. Wilhite, M.D., nurses and physical therapists. Not only am I experiencing more flexibility (up to the maximum), but less swelling and redness around the incision. My incision is getting smaller by the day and I’ve been told by my surgeon that it will be nearly invisible sooner than expected. He said outright, “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it!”
I have also had other problems that you have been able to help me with. You have worked wonders for injuries sustained by me a few years after being struck and rolled over on by a car in 2000. At the time I was being treated by a chiropractor with a “cooky cutter” approach for a few years until you were recommended by my massage therapist, Elizabeth Evans, CMT, who worked on me in the same chiropractor’s office. Recently you saved me from having risky surgery on the vertebrae in my neck by your remarkable acupuncture techniques.
If someone were to ask me to pick only one health care provider, it will be you!
Thank you again,
Arleen P.
Magalia, CA

This natural, analgesic, anti-inflammatory homeopathic remedy can help ease most musculoskeletal pain due to trauma/injury (including surgery). This includes most arthritis pain and nerve pain such as sciatica and neuropathy (also includes nervines – herbs to calm nerves). Although I have many strong Chinese herbal formulas for pain in my clinic, I often initially recommend this product since it very often (I estimate 90% effectiveness) gives immediate relief with regular use. I have seen this ‘cure’ severe cholicky gallbladder pain, ulcerative colitis pain, etc.
This product comes in a topical creme (with no odor – no menthol or camphor), or internal use drops. (alcohol-based) or tabs (sublingual).
It is a very safe replacement for over-the-counter NSAIDS (non-steriodal anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, tylenol, naproxen, etc.) and can even replace presription pain medications such as Vicodin, Norco) without the side effects plus it actually helps heal tissues whereas NSAIDS do not!
May 2012: Newly introduced Traumeel Combo Pack – great deal!