Jan 232014

This research shows that post-menopausal women who consume sodas and other sugary ‘foods’ are at an increased risk of one type of endometrial cancer, an estrogen-dependent one. As this researcher says, “Increased levels of estrogens and insulin are established risk factors for endometrial cancer.”

Sugary Drinks Raise Endometrial Cancer Risk

It is worth noting that this research didn’t find any correlation between the consumption of ‘sugar-free’ sodas or foods with the risk of endometrial cancer. However, keep in mind that the consumption of the ‘sugar substitutes’ such as aspartamine, saccharin, sucralose, sorbitol, etc. all have other potential detrimental health effects of their own! (I.e., I highly recommend not consuming these ‘sugars’ as well – I generally recommend to use only natural sugars such as honey, stevia, coconut sugar, maple syrup, raw cane sugar, xylitol, etc.!)

Sep 142012

(09/12) Drink More Water! Always a good idea (for most of us anyway)…
People who live or travel through San Jose, Ca. are now seeing another way to get this into their thoughts – a “Choose Water Now” campaign. This pubic health campaign advices combatting diabetes via choosing water instead: billboards show the emotionally-charged plea of ‘Our children are drowning in sugar‘, which is so, so very TRUE!!

San Jose, Ca. campaign to ‘Choose Water Now’.

This is similar to or in addition to the “Rethink Your Drink” campaign supported by state grants.