Jul 192016

People’s Pharmacy, a National Public Radio (NPR) program, had their latest weekly show (on 7/14/16) about Acupuncture entitled How Acupuncture Can Help You Overcome Health Challenges. In this particular program, they highlight newly published research on acupuncture benefiting menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes (aka vasomotor symptoms) and answer basic questions about acupuncture.

The mission of People’s Pharmacy is “Empowering you to make wise decisions about your own health, by providing you with essential health information about both medical and alternative treatment options.”1, which is completely in line with my philosophy of healthcare! People’s Pharmacy is one of my favorite NPR programs, and I listen to it on my local NPR station, KCHO, or North State Public Radio.

1 http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/about

Jan 092014

This is an article about why acupuncture should be used for the side effects of chemotherapy. It refers to several studies on this topic, one of which highlights that ‘electroacupuncture worked better than anti-nausea medications’:
Time for Acupuncture to Become Part of Standard Care

Luckily, in our local area, we do have a progressive program at a local hospital doing such work (if only more MDs would refer their patients to it)! See my blog post:

Acupuncture at Local Hospital Cancer Center

Dec 082012

Research that shows electrical acupuncture stimulation on an acupuncture point traditionally used to aid digestion and strengthen immune system does in fact influence digestive tract function. What may be very impressive to the lay person is to note that it is on the leg and not on the abdomen!! More proof that an ancient health system works!

These results suggest acupuncture on this point has the “potential to influence gastric mucous substances and enteroendocrine cells (gastrin, serotonin, CGRP, insulin, and PP) that subsequently modulate digestive functions”.

‘CGRP’ refers to Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide, ‘PP’ refers to Pancreatic Peptides, and enteroendocrine cells refers to different types of hormone-secreting cells present throughout the epithelium of the digestive tract

Dec 082012

Research: Stimulation of Acupuncture Point Activates Neural Responses Associated with Parkinson’s Disease

Research showing that several areas in the brain responds to Acupuncture, and in this case, specific areas that are involved in Parkinson’s Disease. Conclusion of research: Acupuncture may be effective in improving the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease.