Thailand Approves Asian Herb Andrographis to Treat COVID-19
Here’s an article about one of my favorite Chinese herbs:
The Cold Remedy That Actually Works!
Here’s more links about this herb on my blog:
Top Chinese Herb for Immune System Support
This is an important read for everyone about the dangers of vaccinations – I just happened to come across this article in 2012 in an Explore journal article. Explore is a “Journal of Science and Healing”, which has a focus on “scientific principles behind, and applications of, evidence-based healing practices”, and is edited by Larry Dossey.
This article is unavailable on their website without registering and paying for their content (as of 10/14), but I finally found it reprinted here:
Health Beyond Vaccines, by Dr. Garry Gordon.
A few articles highlighting the commonly used herb in Chinese Medicine, Jin Yin Hua, or Honeysuckle Flower – a powerful antibiotic and antiviral:
Micheal Tierra article on Honeysuckle Flower
Honeysuckle Flower Reference on Acupuncture Today
Jake Fratkin article (one of my teachers) – Modern Applications for Antiviral Therapy
Information on BHI-Heel’s Homeopathic Sinusin Nasal Spray: This is a great product for Sinusitis or Sinus Infections, and will treat and prevent both. It is anti-bacterial and anti-viral, so why this is such a great product for sinus infections. This product is also available as internal oral drops, if a nasal spray is not desired. Using both together is a great combo though!
Sinusin Brochure
Research on Sinusin Nasal Spray (Product was called Euphorbium Nasal Spray until a few years ago with the same exact ingredients.)
I also have stronger Chinese herbal medicinal formulas if Sinusin does not work…
Heavenly Herbs and Acupuncture handout:
Natural Treatments for a Shingles or Herpes outbreak
This handout focuses on herbal and dietary recommendations, however, acupuncture is also very effective in calming the nerves (and the neuralgia pain) and stimulating the body to attack the virus too!
“A recent study published in The Lancet: Infectious Diseases showed that for every 100 people who are vaccinated, only 1.5 were prevented from getting the flu”1. Furthermore, the abstract summary states “Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking.”2 However, this study does suggest that influenza vaccinations show 75% efficacy over 12 years of for the age group of 6 months to 7 years.2
Note that the flu vaccine is now marketed to all population groups, and especially the elderly, and this research study shows that it basically is only effective for children under 7!! So why then is it marketed to everyone? Capitalism is why, not true health concerns!!
1. Aspinwall, Mary. “Contagion Season! The Flu and You: What to Do. Homeopathy Today“. Winter 2011: 41.
2.The Lancet: Infectious Diseases
(accessed December 21, 2011).
‘Ba Zheng San’ is a common Chinese herbal formula for a bladder infection or Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It works extremely well and will definitely out-perform using cranberry juice or other western herbs! I use the version from Evergreen Herbs. This formula is available from many other companies, but I think this one works the best! Of course, drink plenty of fluids to flush the bladder too (read: plenty of water)! And if one wants to use cranberry juice, I recommend using the non-sugar-added variety and drink about one quart per day for 5-7 days. I also carry a cranberry pill for those hard-core cranberry ‘lovers’: Nature’s Answer Cranberry 2 also includes western anti-bacterial herbs, so this is a good combination formula as well.