This is a great information resource about Prostate Cancer. It is generally about educating patients about standard allopathic treatments and recent research, but with a balanced approach to help patients make informed decisions and also noting research in the complementary/alternative realm (such as suggesting Omega 3’s and fish oil for Prostate Cancer). They also have a ‘Decision Aide’ to help patients communicate with their doctors about treatment options. They publish a free journal, available by mail or email.
Prostate Cancer Research Institute
Cancer/Integrative Oncology
Sulforaphane, compound found in broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage kills prostate cancer cells:
Pass the Broccoli
Wish I had written this book – it is all that I hope to educate patient about living a long, healthy life!!
Everyone should read this book, whether one has already had cancer, been recently diagnosed or would like to prevent cancer: Anti-cancer, by David Servan-Schreiber. Originally published in the US in 2009, a new revision is available as of January 2011. Here is an interview of the author in Lotus Guide, published Spring 2011:
Lotus Guide interview of Dr. David Servan-Schreiber
Summary of this book (in Lotus Guide article, but not online):
1. Eating less sugar, which feeds cancer growth and inflammation. Refined sugar is abundant in desserts, soft drinks (one can of Coke contains 12 coffee-size packs of sugar…), sauces (ketchup, ready-made salad dressing, etc.). Eating less white flour which is equivalent to sugar as far as the body is concerned (white bread, bagels, muffins, etc.), and reducing pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids (red meats, dairy, corn, sunflower, soybean and safflower oils, and transfats).
2. Adding anticancer foods: including in our diet every day, three times a day, foods that help fight cancer, such as anticancer herbs and spices (green tea, thyme, rosemary, mint, basil, sage, turmeric, ginger), omega-3-rich foods (salmon, sardines, mackerel, walnuts, green vegetables), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), garlic, onions and leeks, red berries for dessert, dark chocolate (more than 70% cacao), and even a little bit of red wine.
3. Engaging in physical activity: it doesn’t have to be marathon training, not even jogging. Just rapid walking 30 minutes six times a week already dramatically reduces the chances of a relapse after breast cancer treatment. And physical activity has been found to help survival with many different types of cancer.
4. Managing our response to stress: we can’t avoid stress in our life, but we can learn to respond differently than with clenched teeth, stone-hard back muscles, and pressure in our chest. Basic breathing techniques that have been around as part of oriental mental and physical hygiene techniques for thousands of years (yoga, Chi Gong, mindfulness meditation) can transform our response to stress and strengthen our resistance to disease.
5. Cleaning up our immediate environment: indoor pollutants, scratched Teflon pans, perchololrethylene of dry-cleaning, PVCs and bisphenol A from liquids in contact with hard plastics, radiomagnetic fields of prolonged cell phone exposures are the leading and most easily controlled causes.
Posted this on 8/29/11 and just learned today that Dr. Servan-Schreiber passed away on 7/24/11. May he RIP and may the knowledge he shared in his books help many, many people!