Lupus (SLE)

Oct 062012
    Tagline: When My Lab Tests are Normal!

An amazingly fantastic naturopathic book about the link of Hashimoto’s to many, many health conditions including Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease. But most importantly this book is an auto-immune disease directive – refer to its data on auto-immune thyroid disorders, and you will understand how “leaky-gut syndromes”, including gluten intolerance and other digestive illness, adrenal fatigue, estrogen fluctuations, insulin resistance are all interconnected leading to auto-immune diseases such as SLE, MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and Diabetes.”
“81% are predisposed to gluten intolerance”, based on research on genetic testing of Americans – because we are of Northern European ancestry. (p. 31)
Hint: Gluten molecule similar in structure to thyroid hormone molecule!!!!